I would rather

die of passion

than of freedom

Van Gogh

+I designed a van Gogh house in my year of architectural study, I paid van Gogh museum a visit when I was in Amsterdam, I bumped into van Gogh art exhibition when I was in London, I visited van Gogh Alive exhibition during my years in China, and re-visited van Goh Alive exhibition back home in 2023. Vincent van Gogh is still my all-time greatest artist. Being an artist who was ahead of his time, van Gogh was not concerned with the opinions of others and it did not matter to him how many paintings he sold. He was passionate about his art and created works that were true to his vision. He knew the worth of what he stood for and leaving behind the legacy that continues inspiring artists around the world to this day.

#vangoghalive #kualalumpur #malaysia

is alive

in kuala lumpur

I try more and more to be myself, caring relatively little whether people approve or disapprove. Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. It is looking at things for a long time that ripens you and gives you a deeper meaning. Thank you Vincent for the wonderful quotes.

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